SphygmoCor Xcel
AtCor Medical, Australia
The SphygmoCor Xcel is a user-independent, oscillometric, simple and fast sub-diastolic single upper arm cuff method for PWA, and simultaneous applanation tonometric (carotid) + oscillometric (thigh) method for cfPWV measurement.
The PWV measurement with this device is time-consuming and user dependent.
The device may overestimate the PWVao especially in cases of higher PWV, due to the simultaneous recording of carotid and femoral pressure curves, and the opposite propagation of the aortic pulse pressure waves to carotid and femoral sites (21).
However, the device underestimated the AIXao with 7.7 ± 12.7% and the limits of agreement between the differences of the invasively and the device measured values were -33.1% (-2SD) and +17.7% (+2SD), hardly acceptable for clinical use (36).
The device uses invasively non-validated generalized transfer function to produce aortic pulse pressure waveforms from the brachial artery pressure waveforms (GTF).
*No paper is available about invasive PWVcf validation.
Year of first publication: 1990