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40. Invasive Validation of Antares, a New Algorithm to Calculate Central Blood Pressure

Title: Invasive Validation of Antares, a New Algorithm to Calculate Central Blood Pressure from Oscillometric Upper Arm Pulse Waves

Author Information

Marcus Dörr, Stefan Richter, Siegfried Eckert, Marc-Alexander Ohlow, Fabian Hammer, Astrid Hummel, Vivien Dornberger, Elisabeth Genzel, Johannes Baulmann



Antares is an algorithm for pulse wave analysis (PWA) by oscillometric blood pressure (BP) monitors in order to estimate central (aortic) blood pressure (cBP). Antares aims to enable brachial cuff-based BP monitors to be type II-devices, determining absolute cBP values independently of potential peripheral BP inaccuracies. The present study is an invasive validation of the Antares algorithm in the custo screen 400.


We followed entirely the 2017 ARTERY protocol for validation of non-invasive cBP devices, the 2013 American National Standards Institute, Inc./Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation/International Organization for Standardization (ANSI/AAMI/ISO) 81060-2 and 2018 AAMI/European Society of Hypertension (ESH)/ISO validation standard protocols. In total, 191 patients undergoing cardiac catheterization were included, of which 145 patients entered analysis. Invasive cBP recordings were compared to simultaneous non-invasive cBP estimations using the Antares algorithm, integrated into an oscillometric BP monitor.


Mean difference between invasive and non-invasively estimated systolic cBP was 0.71 mmHg with standard deviation of 5.95 mmHg, fulfilling highest validation criteria.


Antares is the first algorithm for estimation of cBP that entirely fulfills the 2017 ARTERY and AAMI/ESH/ISO validation protocols. The Antares algorithm turns the custo screen 400 BP monitor into a type II-device. Integration of Antares into commercially available BP monitors could make it possible to measure PWA parameters in virtually every practice in future.

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