
21. Noninvasive Estimation of Aortic Stiffness Through Different Approaches.
Author Information Salvi P, Scalise F, Rovina M, Moretti F, Salvi L, Grillo A, Gao L, Baldi C, Faini A, Furlanis G, Sorropago A,...
137 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

22. Validation of a Brachial Cuff-Based Method for Estimating Central Systolic Blood Pressure
Author Information Weber T, Wassertheurer S, Rammer M, Maurer E, Hametner B, Mayer CC, Kropf J, Eber B. Abstract The prognostic value of...
68 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

23. Estimation of central aortic systolic pressure using late systolic inflection
Title: Estimation of central aortic systolic pressure using late systolic inflection of radial artery pulse and its application to...
12 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

24. Increased pulse wave velocity in patients with acutelacunar infarction
Title: Increased pulse wave velocity in patients with acute lacunar infarction doubled the risk of future ischemic stroke Author...
18 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

25. Stiffness of capacitive and conduit arteries: prognostic significance
Title: Stiffness of capacitive and conduit arteries: prognostic significance for end-stage renal disease patients. Author Information...
20 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

26. Validation of a new non-invasive portable tonometer for determining arterial pressure wave
Title: Validation of a new non-invasive portable tonometer for determining arterial pressure wave and pulse wave velocity: the PulsePen...
26 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

27. Obtaining arterial stiffness indices from simple arm cuff measurements: the holy grail?
Author Information Boutouyrie P, Revera M, Parati G. Abstract (extract) Precise assessment of cardiovascular risk factors is a necessary...
29 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

28. Estimation of central aortic pressure waveform by mathematical transformation
Title: Estimation of central aortic pressure waveform by mathematical transformation of radial tonometry pressure. Validation of...
23 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

29. Prospective evaluation of a method for estimating ascending aortic pressure
Title Prospective evaluation of a method for estimating ascending aortic pressure from the radial artery pressure waveform. Author...
14 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

30. Validation of the noninvasive assessment of central blood pressure by the SphygmoCor and Omron
Title: Validation of the noninvasive assessment of central blood pressure by the SphygmoCor and Omron devices against the invasive...
33 Ansichten
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